Wapiti - 8/31

Good afternoon, y'all. We're camping this weekend in SE Oregon, trying to avoid the smoke as best we can. It's not been too bad over here so far—nothing like what we left in Boise. I won't be on social media as much over the Holiday, but I did want to drop in to provide a quick update on our three main fires affecting people.
I've said this here and a few times on social media, but the current CIMT team on the Wapiti is just doing a stellar job with Fire Information and Operations updates. Not only do I see it myself, but I also get far fewer questions about a fire when we've got a team with a good Public Information team.
Travis Lipp, Operations Section Chief Rocky Mountain Team 1, does about the best Operations Updates you'll see. I encourage you to watch this update if you haven't already. He takes you around the fire and points out all the important updates. I'll drop just one or two items for commentary after the video.
For me, the fire has four main areas of activity and concern: Stanley, Lowman, Banner/Cape Horn, and Barron Creek. The video above covers all of these, but I want to call out just a couple of items below.